Upon arriving at school, four baby bunnies were produced - complete with milk and syringes for feeding. What could I do but turn it into a creative day of poetry writing! Juliet
Alice, Lucy, Ben, Skye, and Annah with four bunnies
I found my bunny when we were at Old Middlehurst, when Lucy and I went out looking for some bunnies. We found a hole with bunny fluff outside it and had turns at feeling down it. Lucy touched it first and said she felt something. Next I put my hand down and felt a bunny. I pulled out all four of them and we took them back to the hut. We gave one to Skye and one to Ben. Alice.
This is my cinquain poem about my bunny, Cheddar...
BunnySoft, cuddly
Clawing, bouncing, sniffing
Hopping around the room
Lucy's cinquain poem, Rolly Poly...
Sweet, soft
Sleeping, eating, hopping
Irresistable to be touched
Skye's anacrostic poem, Fidget
Friendly is my bunny
Isn't he so soft?
Doesn't he look so delicious to a cat?
Getting fatter as I feed him milk!
Eating grass when he is bigger!
Tail is so little.
Ben's anacrostic poem, Henry
His head is like a soft pillow
Easily he climbs my arm
Naturally his wiggling nostril is so cute
Rests on my lap, snuggling and warm
Yesterday he was safe in his burrow